Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mr. Bateea Head and Lino wants to make your introduction.

So, I decided to start a blog about Lino's adventures.

Lino is 4 1/2 almost 5 and is my light, my joy. And my littel devil child..LOL I am a n00b to the blog world, so hang in there with me while I learn to work my way around.

So as with most kids, Lino has seen Toy Story 3 a million and one times. All he wants to do is watch Toy Story 3 and make "Mr. Tortilla Head". I got hip to that a few weeks ago when he kept asking me "mama I want a "Bateeah" (tortilla). He got real quiet and said Look Mama Mr. Bateeah Head, of course all the parts were inpaled on this poor half eaten tortilla. LOL Hilarious.

So this is our first post..YaY and I hope to be posting his adventures every day. Believe me this little man is a comic!

Hi everyone, I'm Lino and I'm a silly bug!

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